The Scuola d’infanzia, promotes the development of children’s own identity, autonomy, competence and identity. Particular emphasis is placed on identity and citizenship because the Gioiosa educational method considers each child to be an original and unrepeatable being and the encounter with diversity to be a way of enrichment.
Identity: Developing a sense of identity means acknowledging all the dimensions of oneself: it includes holistic wellbeing, belonging, and a sense of security within the social environments and small community of the association. It means knowing oneself as unique among the group of peers.
Autonomy: developing autonomy means developing the ability to understand, guide body and emotions in a variety of contexts, and participate in social communities. This will allow children to trust themselves and others and face everyday challenges positively by developing effective strategies and coping mechanisms.
Competence is developed through play, movement, exploration, curiosity, inquiry, and evaluation, and re-enactment of experiences provided, including emerging negotiations, discussions, and role-play.

Citizenship develops within our learning environments through exposure and exploration of diversity and focuses on respect, empathy, and understanding of own and others’ rights and needs. To educate children and scaffold them while developing a sense of citizenship, our educators provide a variety of intentional teaching and learning experiences that allow the children to learn self-care, care of others, and the environment around them to build a wider sense of cooperation within their community.