The history
Our association goes beyond the concept of education as transmission of experiences and knowledge from adult to children is considered as a blank canvas. In fact, Castellani’s interest did not focus on a theoretical system but concentrated on educational research and exploration instead.
Nuova Educazione, a school for children aged 3-14 inspired by the educational values shared by Tullio Castellani, was born in Milan in 1976. A couple of years later Gioiosa was born in Bergamo, aiming to provide after school care experiences focusing on “living the culture” as a tool for self-awareness. In order to do so historical studies were used to research and discover ancient civilizations in order to re enact and live their values, and principles with the ultimate goal to research “meaning” through musical, artistic and drama projects.
This educational project led to the creation of Associazione Gioiosa in 1993, which took responsibility of the after-school hours activities, until the scuola d’infanzia in via Ponchielli opened in 1997, (paired in 2003) adding to the programmes the vacation care program GIE.
In 2000 the very first Nido was opened in via Ponchielli, while a second one was inaugurated in Viale G.Cesare in 2002 (both accredited by Bergamo city council in 2013). In 2001 the scuola d’infanzia then moved from Ponchielli to Viale G. Cesare.